


It’s aleady the first week of Spring, but it’s still very chilly. It even snowed last Monday and on Thursday. Good thing is, the sun shines beautifully. When I look outside at my workstation, I feel good. I always have big windows all my life: where I live, study, work. I take it for granted for having big windows. Even when there were times when my workplace didn’t have big windows, I would find ways out. For example, I’d go out to the park next to my workplace for lunch, I’d walk around on the street or at the park before I headed back to work. I am such a sunny gal who enjoys every single moment under the sun. So, today, when I got back from church, I suggested to Charles for a walk out under the beautiful Spring sun, and the chilly Spring breeze. I was hoping that we would enjoy the warm, beautiful Sunday afternoon before we headed home for dinner. I didn’t know that my back and my hip would really stop me from going all the way to the center of Harvard Square. However, I thought it’s okay. As long as we enjoyed the sun, had a good time walking outdoor enjoying the fresh air, I was happy to head home with Charles and I would say we had a good Sunday afternoon.

Ghost Town



a foot deep of snow

After the blizzard back in December 2010. We have had another one today. So, no work for today. Another home working day. Almost everyone in town stayed home, which made the town very quiet. When Charles and I were trying to check how much snow we had this morning from mid-night last night, we were surprised to see a foot deep of snow by the back door. Guess what? It was still snowing and didn’t reach it’s peak until lunch time. So, we didn’t go to shovel until late afternoon. By then, it’s already up to our knees! The whole neighborhood was still very quiet. Just like a ghost town.

ghost town in Boston